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Easy and Reliable Calibration with the HMK15 Humidity Calibrator0 pages

نسخه متنی

Easy and ReliableC a l i b ration with theHMK 15 HumidityC a l i b ra t o r


No humidity instru-ment stays accurate onits own. From time totime, the perf o r m a n c eof these instrumentsmust be ch e cke da gainst a reference.When calibration isdone in-house, the useof saturated salt solu-tions as a reference isa proven and afford-able method. Wi t hVa i salas HMK 15humidity calibratorhumidity calibration iseasy and reliable.


he use of sa t u r a t e dsalt solutions is anaccepted and reli-able method for cali-brating humidity instruments.M a ny leading laboratories usethis method, which has beengenerally known since the early19 0 0 s. The operating principleis basedon the properties ofsalt and water solutions, whichgenerate a known relativehumidity in the air abovet h e m.Based on these reference v a l u e s, the reading of the humid-ity instrument can then beadjusted and calibrated. Satu-rated salt solutions provide areliable measurement standardas the humidity levels generat-ed by these solutions and theirbehavior at different tempera-tures are well documented andhave been verified by many re-s e a r ch e r s. The Greenspan table( Table 1) is one of the mostw e l l -known references.Several different salts aresuitable for reference measure-m e n t s, providing a number ofoptions for the user. With highquality instruments, however,no more than two referencepoints are needed to adjust themeasurement over the entirerelative humidity range. Jan GrҶnblad, M. S c. (E n g. )Product ManagerSensor Systems DivisionVa i sala HelsinkiF i n l a n d >

nnReady-dosed saltpackages come withcalibration certificates

Other new additions include sa l tp a ckages with calibration cer-tificates from an accredited la-b o r a t o ry. Examples of the sa l tsolutions suitable for the HMK 15calibrator include lithium ch l o-ride LiCl (11% RH), magne-sium chloride MgCl >




(EN45001)(ISO/IEC Guide 25) 2 ( 3 3 %RH), sodium chloride NaCl( 75% RH) and potassium sul-phate K >
Vaisalas Measurement Standards Labo ratory at the Vaisala headquarters inHe l s i n k i, Finland, is a FINAS accredited calibration fa c i l i t y. For morei n f o r m a t i o n, please visit w w w. e u ro pe a n-a c c re d i t a t i o n. o r g 2 SO >
4 ( 97% RH). Allthese salts are delivered fromthe factory in dry format toavoid any problems that mayoccur with ready-made salt so-l u t i o n s. Dry salts also offer am u ch longer storage life thanr e a d y -mixed salt solutions. The ready-dosed salt pack- >

nnShortened thermal andhumidity stabilizationt i m e

During the development of theHMK 15, Va i salaҒs latest humid-
i t ycalibrator based on sa t u r a t e dsalt solutions, the main goalswere to improve the ease of useand reliability of the system. Th es h o rtened thermal and humiditystabilization time of the HMK 15 ,w h i ch is one of the main im-provements in the new design,speeds up calibration andimproves the reliability of ther e s u l t s. By combining an alu-minum chamber and properm e chanical design, the sa l tchamber is optimized for fasttemperature stabilization. Th einner space of the chamber isshaped to promote fast humid-ity stabilization and the genera-tion of a homogenous atmos-phere above the salt solution. >
18 148/1998 size="-3">



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*صدور پیش فاکتور رسمی فقط به نام شرکتهای ثبت شده که دارای کد بازرگانی معتبر باشند انجام پذیر است. در صورتیکه در حین مکاتبه با شرکت سازنده مشخص شود که دارای نماینده انحصاری و یا شعبه در ایران بوده و یا به به هر دلیل شرکت سازنده از فروش کالا به بازار ایران استنکاف نماید ارایه این سرویس متوقف و وجه دریافتی به حساب کاربر عودت می شود
