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منابع یابی و خرید تجهیزات صنعتی


 (ویژه صنایع و کارخانجات )

خدمات خرید ، حمل ، ثبت  سفارش ، ترخیص و تحویل هر گونه کالای صنعتی از اروپا ، چین ، ترکیه  و امارات متحده عربی
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تماس : ۸۸۸۷۱۸۰۸ - ۸۸۸۷۱۸۷۵ - ۸۸۶۵۶۴۷۱

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Free Flow Technology0 pages

نسخه متنی
"FREE FLOW Bearin g Technolo g y nn

A s a leadin g desi g ner and manufacturer of innovative plastic bearin g solutions, B NL has led the development o f anti-clog f ree fl owђ bearing technology f or use in the water and leisure industry, where low friction properties and clog r es i stance are part i cu l ar l y i mportant .

Low Friction T o a dd ress t h is, BNL h as a l so pioneere d t h e Applications such as spa jets and suction and d evelopment o f a cage-less o pen desig n ђ bearing. p ressure si d e p oo l c l eaners o p erate so l e ly on wate r fl ow and will only function if the water fl ow fromthe pump is used e ffi ciently. The operational partso f these a pp lications are there f ore re q uired to becapable of workin g with very little applied torque. Using BNLs more traditional thermoplastic bearin g tec h no l ogy, starting inertias as l ow as 0.12Nmm w ou ld b e consi d ere d t h e norm. However, usin g t h e companyҒs innovative f ree fl owӔ bearing designs, tor q ues as l ow as 0.041Nmm are ac h ieve d ( compare d wit h simi l ar size d meta l options wit h torque values o f around 0.235Nmm*) . Clog Resistance To address the problem o f clogging f rom debris commonly f ound in the operating environmentof these applications, BNL has developed an
innovative patent-pending cage and race design.
T T raditional spa and pool cleaner bearing designs t yp ica lly uti l ise s h ie ld s an d sea l s to p revent p otentially clo gg in g debris from enterin g theworkings o h is revo l utionary anti-c l og b earing tec h no l ogyallows water and debris to fl ow freely throu f the bearing, however this can lead to serious pro g h thesystem, yielding a greater bl ems. T h e tig h t sea l necessary to fl ow path compared toconventiona k eep out d e b ris raises t h e torque require d to turn the bearing and since zero clearances cannot be l b earing tec h no l ogy. p ermanently maintained, the likelihood o f bearing s eizure cause d b y d e b ris b ecomin g trappe d b etween the se a ls a n d the r a ces incre a ses o ve r time. A dd itiona ll y, as t h e b earing wears, t h e s h ie ld c an b e g in to ru b on t h e inner or outer race causin g the bearing to essentially become a high f riction b us h ing or cease rotating a l toget h er. Being s h ie ld a nd seal free, BNLs ґ o pen d esi gn b earin g s ensure b earing seizure and high torque are removed f romt h e e q uation . Increased Flow Path Wit h b ot h innovative concepts, t h e anti-c l og f eatures result in an avera g e of a 114% increase i n the fl ow path compared with traditional designs, W ith all of the sharp ed g es removed and the ball clearances increased to reduce a s d e b ris t h at wou ld or d inari ly b e tra pp e d by atra p otentialo d itiona l ca g e d esi g n or sea l , is instea d a ll owe d to pass straight through the bearing. These b struction points, a smoot h an d precise rotatin g f ree j et is g uaranteed - even under low pressure and fl ow designs enable a continuous passage o f water t fl o w c o n d iti o ns. h rou gh t h e b earin g , a ll owin g any d e b risto be washed out. The end result is a bearing
that continues to W ith our many yearsҒ experience of spa and pool a f unction with minimal increases pp lications, we understand that the use o f aca i n inertia. Furt h ermore, t h e overa ll resistance to g ed bearin g is not always practical, for example c logging is higher than sealed products due to the w ith smaller diameter bearin g s. i ncreased clearance afforded by the desi g ns . >
* based on standard sealed metal bearing dat a B NL (UK) Lt d Manse Lane Knaresborou g h North Yorkshire HG5 8LF U K T: +44 (0)1423 799200 (main) F: +44 (0)1423 862259 (main) E: sales@bnl-bearings.com innovative bearing solutions www.bnl-bearings.com size="-1">



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  • پاسخ به پرسش های فنی و دریافت مشاوره از سازنده ، دریافت کاتالوگ و اطلاعات تکمیلی
  • دريافت پرفورما از شرکت سازنده
  • اطلاع از زمان تحويل و قيمت خالص كالا
  • اطلاع از هزينه هاي حمل و ترخيص و کارمزد تا تحويل كالا به انبار شما در هر نقطه از كشور
  • دریافت پیش فاکتوررسمی ( ارزی و یا ریالی ) به روش کارمزدی
*صدور پیش فاکتور رسمی فقط به نام شرکتهای ثبت شده که دارای کد بازرگانی معتبر باشند انجام پذیر است. در صورتیکه در حین مکاتبه با شرکت سازنده مشخص شود که دارای نماینده انحصاری و یا شعبه در ایران بوده و یا به به هر دلیل شرکت سازنده از فروش کالا به بازار ایران استنکاف نماید ارایه این سرویس متوقف و وجه دریافتی به حساب کاربر عودت می شود
